Quick Tips for Trade Partners during COVID-19 Outbreak
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Keeping Your Business Afloat During The COVID-19 Outbreak
As the COVID-19 outbreak prevents you from doing your work to the same degree as usual, it’s absolutely vital that you stay positive and under no circumstances should you rest on your laurels and leave the future of your business to chance. There are plenty of things you can do to help your position in the marketplace when business goes back to normal…
Alternative Quote Option
Ask your customers to take a photo of their project and return it to you. We can supply you with a price based on the estimated sizes and specification. Generate the lead, convert to an order and confirm the sizes when it’s safe for you to complete the survey.
Generate Leads
The government says that people can go to work if it’s not possible to work from home. As working from home isn’t an option for tradespeople, this means that you can still carry out your work. However, it’s important to always carry out a COVID risk assessment before carrying out work in other people’s home. Be safe, be responsible and be kind!
In this digital day and age you don’t need to be knocking on doors to be seen or heard. Use the Quickslide Marketing Portal or get in touch with our Marketing Team to discuss any recommendations suitable to your business.
The Power of Social Media
Social distancing certainly doesn’t apply to digital media. Use the power of social media to get your messages across to your target audiences. Millions of homeowners will be sat at home and will be scrolling through Facebook whilst starring at a home that could do with an upgrade here and there; use this to your advantage. Speak to your local digital agency about your different options.
Spread the word, not the virus
Speak to previous clients and ask them to spread the word about your business. We’ve found that the best leads are ones that have been recommended to us. With this crisis, people will be more inclined to support their local community. If you play a role in your local community, people will likely support you when you most need it.
Enhance Your Assets
When business is blooming it can be hard to find the time to maintain your assets. As tempting as putting your feet up might be, now is your opportunity to evaluate and improve on the appearance and functionality of your business. Things to look at may include your website, contact methods, uniforms, vans, tools and showroom (if applicable). Speak to our marketing team at marketing@quickslide.co.uk to discuss.
Cash Flow
This one shouldn’t come as a surprise. Cash is absolutely critical for any business right now. You need to ensure that your business has enough cash to survive if worst comes to worst and construction will be put on hold. Make an overview of things that you will need to pay for even if your business has been ‘put on hold’, these may include subscriptions, marketing campaigns, FENSA, insurance and wages.
Help from the Government
The Government have announced that they will guarantee 80% of business loans during these tough times. Such loan will come with the added benefit of a 0% interest rate for the first 12 months, so if you don’t have enough cash to support your business for the next 3-4 months you may be able to borrow enough to get you through the crisis.
Apply for a Grant
Since the outbreak, the chancellor announced that it would increase grants to businesses eligible for Small Business Rate Relief from £3,000 to £10,000. If you qualify you will be contacted by your local authority soon. In the meantime, you can read more about the support offered by the Government to get businesses like yours through the crisis.
How to effectively work from home?
Most of the above-mentioned can be done from home, all you need is
- A dedicated workspace. If you’re living with others, it’s a good idea to create a space designated for work only away from any distractions.
- A computer with a good Internet connection.
- A video or chat tool. You won’t be able to meet up with customers at the moment so your best bet to keep in touch with them is via telephone, video or online chat.
- Self-discipline. Working away from your usual environment takes some getting used to but with self-discipline and a desire to make it work it’s doable.
Procedures for Self-isolation
Self-quarantine is recommended for individuals who have been directly exposed to the Coronavirus and/or are at particularly high risk and/or have history of travel in infected or heavily populated areas.
Stay at home
Limit all your non-essential travels. Unless you’re leaving the house for food, medicines or other essentials you should not leave your home.
Wash your hands
Practise good hand hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water and/or using hand sanitizer.
Stay in a specific room
If you’re sick or suspect you may be getting sick, it’s best to isolate yourself in one specific room especially if you’re living with others to limit any potential risk of spreading the virus.
Be aware of symptoms
Check your temperature regularly. Aside from fever, COVID-19 symptoms include cough, breathing difficulties and fatigue.
Practise social distancing
If you must go outside, maintain at least 1metre (3 feet) distance from others.
Please note that the material and information on this page is for general information purposes only. You should not rely upon the material or information on this page as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions.
Please note, our news articles are relevant and accurate at the time of release, but as technical developments dictate, and times goes by the information in this article may no longer be applicable. If you have questions, please contact us using our online contact form or call us on 03332 412 240.