Trickle Vents Calculator Iframe - Quickslide Windows & Doors

Do my window or doors need trickle vents?

Our requirement calculators are designed to simplify the key glass and glazing-related building regulations for your convenience. The information provided reflects our understanding of these regulations to the best of our ability. However, for comprehensive details and full compliance, we recommend visiting the official government website to review the complete documents.

1. Are the windows and/or doors being fitted into your main home?


2. Does the room have dedicated mechanical background ventilation?


Yes you do need trickle vents

England / Wales

Yes, your products will require trickle vents. In habitable rooms and kitchens, a min. of 8000mm2 equivalent area is required per room (10,000mm2 in single story dwellings). Bathrooms (with or without a toilet) require a min. of 4000mm2.


Yes, your products will require trickle vents. Generally, a min. of 10,000mm2 equivalent area is required per room (12,000mm2 in apartments). However, where infiltration rates in a dwelling exceed 10m3/h/m2 @ 50 Pa, which may often be the case in existing buildings, the ventilation required may be reduced to 8000mm2 for apartments and 4000mm2 for all other rooms. Alternatively, the overall provision of trickle ventilation in a dwelling may be provided at an average of 6000mm2 per room, with a minimum provision of 4000mm2 in each apartment.

You do not need trickle vents.